Icebreaker by Hannah Grace

by Books to Barbells Book Club, February 28, 2024



Anastasia Allen has worked her entire life for a shot at Team USA.

A competitive figure skater since she was five years old, a full college scholarship thanks to her place on the Maple Hills skating team, and a schedule that would make even the most driven person weep, Stassie comes to win.

No exceptions.

Nathan Hawkins has never had a problem he couldn’t solve. As captain of the Maple Hills Titans, he knows the responsibility of keeping the hockey team on the ice rests on his shoulders.

When a misunderstanding results in the two teams sharing a rink, and Anastasia’s partner gets hurt in the aftermath, Nate finds himself swapping his stick for tights, and one scary coach for an even scarier one.

The pair find themselves stuck together in more ways than one, but it’s fine, because Anastasia doesn’t even like hockey players…right?



There’s something about a hockey romance that always gets me so excited.

I must say, for a debut novel, this book became an instant favorite for me. Are all hockey guys this hot and filthy-mouthed or is it just at Maple Hills? Cause if so, sign me up to be a hockey groupie! Down here in Texas, hockey is foreign to us. 

Nathan Hawkins is the caption of the Titans hockey team. He’s a leader to his teammates and did I mention, he’s FLIPPING HOT!?!


Anastasia Allen is a woman after my own heart. She’s determined and driven and will do anything and everything to reach her goals. And her goals, you ask? To Win!

Both ice athletes, but in 2 separate worlds. And rinks…

That is separate, until someone breaks in and vandalizes one of the ice rinks at Maple Hills, which causes them to share one rink. Things get worse, for Anastasia at least, because her partner gets injured and she’s forced to practice with someone else. 

Since the vandalism was caused because of someone on the hockey team, Nathan steps up and practices with Anastasia.

Big muscular guy, petite ice skater…that’s a perfect recipe for disaster. Nathan tries his best to be a good partner for her, but it turns out harder than he anticipated.

Typical guy thought, though, right? Thinking that anything a woman does is easy?

Boy, was he wrong.

Boy, but once their one time friction turned chemistry started happening, both on and OFF the ice, it had me giggling to myself with joy. 

This book is a romcom to the best extent. I don’t know what it is about hockey gray guys. But they make for the best comedic banter I’ve ever read.

Comedy right into spice, this book hits the spot. This book had all the spice that had me thinking, “Damn, they are hooking up like that in college?” The scenes wee steamy and explicit, just how I like them.

In other words, funny banter, hot hockey guys and steamy, sexy fun! All in all, a fun time in my eyes!
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