The Wives By Tarryn Fisher

by Books to Barbells Book Club, August 23, 2020


Imagine that your husband has two other wives.

You've never met the other wives. None of you know each other, and because of this unconventional arrangement,
you can see your husband only one day a week.
But you love him so much you don't care. Or at least that's what you've told yourself. 

But one day, while you're doing laundry, you find a scrap of paper in his pocket - an appointment reminder for a woman named Hannah, and you just know its another of the wives.

You thought you were fine with your arrangement, but you cant help yourself : you track her down, and under false pretenses, you strike up a friendship. Hannah has no idea who you really are. Then Hannah starts showing up to your coffee dates with telltale bruises, and you realize she's being abused by her husband. Who, of course, is also your husband. But you've never known him to be violent, ever. 

Who exactly is your husband, and how far would you be willing to go to find out?

And who is his mysterious third wife?

So, I started this book as a buddy read with my good friend, Kayleigh. I picked this months book because we alternate months.  I had been seeing this book since everywhere on Bookstagram and it always catches my eye when I stroll down the book aisle at Target. I finally picked it when I seen on the front cover Colleen Hoover's blurb on the front cover and Ms. Hoover just happens to be one of Kayleigh's favorite authors, so I figured it was something for both of us. 

I had never read anything by Tarryn Fisher so I didn't know what I was getting myself into. 

⭐️⭐️⭐️💫 / 5

Let's talk about a few things. We learn that his wife only sees her husband on Thursday. I really got confused at first. Her day to see her husband is Thursday. Her name is also Thursday. I got a little confused because she refers to the other wives as the days of the week that her husband, Seth sees them. There's Monday and Tuesday. They get more days than Thursday does. We learn early that Thursday is Seth's legal wife .

Lets talk about that for a minute. Do you ever think that you could be part of  polygamous marriage? I couldn't. Hell no! Not that I'm a needy wife, I'm  not. But what's mine is mine. I've NEVER shared. Ask my childhood best friend. LOL I could not think of that. Like, I have so many questions for people who CAN that sort of life. Buts that's a whole other conversation.

So, Thursday doesn't actually know any of the other wives. Not even their names. She only knows them by their week day and maybe one other small detail, like Monday is very career driven and Tuesday is pregnant. 

One day, she's putting away Seth's clothes, and out falls a recipt .... with the name "Hannah" This HAS to be an other wife. This HAS to be Tuesday. She saves the recipt and slowly becomes obsessed with finding out who this woman is.

AHHH...that leads her down a terrible rabbit hole. We all know how that works with the internet. She finds her, finds where she lives and also finds MONDAY, the first wife. 

Whoa...that's too many wives for me. It was hard to keep up. Imagine how it is for Seth. Anyways, she finds Hannah and befriends her and gets herself invited in her house. They exchange phone numbers and make plans to get coffee and lunch. 

When they are meeting up, Thursday starts noticing that Hannah has bruises and when she asks about it, Hannah is kind of hesitant to tell her.

She finds Hannah, now she wants to find Seth's first wife. Seth actually divorced her to legally marry Thursday. Regina. That's her name. She finds her and realizes that Regina is online dating. Her loyalty to is strong, so she has to get to the bottom of this. 

Thursday makes an online account on a dating site as her cousin who is in jail and starts trying to "befriend" Regina to try and get to know her better.

Oh, what I also forget to mention is the reason Seth got his 3rd wife, Hannah is that Thursday was pregnant and had a miscarriage that damaged her uteruses to where she cannot ever have children again.

Things start taking a turn for the worst when Thursday confronts Seth and he hits her. AHHH , shit! This is not the Seth that she married. She has to get answers now.  But it seems that Seth hasn't covered all his tracks to make sure that Thursday doesn't get those answers.

The twist and turns of the ending of this book kind of hit me out of nowhere.  I did not expect the turnout that happened. I kind of thought of it was going to go one way, and it went the complete other way and was not disappointed. I'm really glad that I picked this as my first Tarryn Fisher novel and it wont be my last.

So, time for my favorite part of book club, DISCUSSION QUESTIONS! I found these questions when I did a search and I really like them. Find that blog HERE

Here we go ...

1. What do you think about the polygamist marriage angle? Was it believable for you at the beginning or was it too far-fetched?

💕I think its believable because people really live like that. There was a whole show about it. What seemed far fetched is that the wives didn't know each other. And Thursday only got one day and the other wives got more time. There was something fishy for me there and as it turns out, I was right. 

2. What are your opinions of Seth throughout the book? How did that change from the beginning to the end?

💕 I thought from the jump that Seth was an asshole and that seemed apparent through out the whole book. I never liked his character and I feel like we all have met a douche bag like Seth. Serial cheater was what he is. 

3. Did Thursday annoy you as a character?

💕 No, she didn't. I think there was something wrong with her and love sometimes blinds your train of thought but I did not find her annoying.

4. There are lots of themes in this book - miscarriage , abuse , mental illness and more. Do you think it was a well thought out mix of themes or were they randomly mixed in for shock valve?

💕 I think it was a little of both. I think a miscarriage can be very hard for a woman, but enough for it to land her in a psyche ward twice is a little much. Abuse is something that I feel can happen to anyone. Not intentionally but given all that was going on, I can see why it happened. Not saying that abuse is right because in no way shape or form is it right, but we needed something to keep going.

5. Usually the main character is one you believe. What bothered you most about Thursday's lack of creditability throughout the book?

💕 So, what bothered me the most is that I really believed Thursday. I thought some things were wrong with Seth, but I really wanted to believe Thursday. I think the author did a great job in making me believe everyone was against Thursday. Not intentionally but things weren't right and I wanted things to work out for Thursday because I feel like she really loved Seth and thought everything was normal. Just goes to show that you never know whats really going on behind closed doors and sometimes, love really is blind that makes us see things that aren't true. 


There are a few more questions, but I like to limit mine to 5. In the end, I did really did enjoy this book and I would recommend! 

Have you read this book? What did you think? Leave me a comment below so we can talk about it? I'd love to hear your thoughts!

Until next time ….. ☮

Next Book:
Mexican Gothic by Silvia Moreno-Garcia

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