Red, White & Royal Blue by Casey McQuiston

by Books to Barbells Book Club, July 12, 2020

Red, White & Royal Blue by Casey McQuiston

Y'all. I had my 1st ever buddy read with my good friend A Book Lover's Playlist on Instagram (who also has a blog : A Book Lover's Playlist ) . We decided to make this a monthly thing at the end of each month, with each month alternating genres. She is more Young Adult romance; I am more suspense and thrillers. Our 1st month, she picked the book. This was actually on both of TBR lists. I was actually pretty excited to read this. When we were done, we did a LIVE on our Instagram's and talked about it, which is what we are going to do every month.

So, lets jump right into it, shall we?

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️/ 5

Lets did into some discussion questions that we found on . I'm just going to do 5 of them because I want to leave some final notes at the end.

   ❓At the beginning of the novel, Alex and Henry are enemies, then they become friends, and eventually lovers. Why does their relationship work so well? How do they balance each other out? 
        🌈I think their relationship works because they are so different, but with their families both being on the spotlight in their countries , they can relate to a lot of the same things. Their differences are hilarious. I love how Alex is always talking shit, in true Texan fashion. (I'm a Texan, too) Henry seems so sweet. I really loved how they fell in love. 

   ❓What's the most swoon-worthy moment in this book (if you can pick one) ? What is the biggest turning point for Alex and Henry ?

        🌈 Oh my goodness, how can I pick? Once Alex and Henry got together, they were sooo cute and in love. Who doesn't love the beginning stages of a relationship? When its all butterflies and sex and talking and sex.... Their emails to each other is probably my favorite part. "History, huh?"  They let out so many loving and genuine emotions in those emails and that has to be my most swooned part. 

   ❓While the book is about a romantic relationship at its core, there are a number of other relationships with friends, parents and siblings throughout. How are these relationships important to Alex and Henry, and how do they enhance the story?

        🌈 1st off, I love Alex and his sister June's relationship. They look out for one another. Which is how it should be. I love how when Alex's mom found out about his relationship with Henry, she was Mom first, them president . Alex really had a terrific support system behind him. 

   ❓Red, White and Royal Blue takes place in the United States and United Kingdom that closely resemble our own, but ultimately exist in an alternate universe. How do the politics in the book reflect what's happening in the real world? 

        🌈I really wished I lived in this alternate universe that this story takes place. President Ellen Claremont being the 1st female president, from Texas, who is also a Democrat from a historically red state, and has biracial (Mexican) kids? That is the dream that I hope one day we as a country in the United States can get to. I can't speak for the United Kingdom, but I loved how when the country found out that the 1st son was bisexual and in a relationship with the Prince of England, it was really heartwarming to see how accepting they were. I really feel like it were to happen in really life, in the crazy place we in our country at this very moment, I would hope we could be as accepting. Nothing surprises me, at this point. 

   ❓ Why do readers have royal fever? What is it about royalty that sparks such interest? What do you think of this royal family? Did it make you think differently about real life royal families?

        🌈I think the strong royal fever comes from our days as little girls, pretending to be princesses. Who didn't daydream about one day falling in love with a prince? The Royal Family is a real life fairy tale. To the outsiders looking in. We don't have royals in the US. Its foreign. Its fascinating. It's intriguing. I think this royal family comes really close to how it really is in the royal family. Like, they have this image and reputation to maintain and its hard to live ones true self. I think  We fantasize that they live perfect lives, but its not the case. Just because you're a prince or princess doesn't mean that you don't have your own problems. And that's what this family showed us.


When we meet Alex in the beginning of this book, I knew right away I was going to enjoy this book. He's half Mexican, from Texas and his mom is the 1st female president of the United States. What can be better than that? I really fell in love with his character, as to Kayleigh loved Henry. We both pretty much o the conclusion that this book is a must read for anyone. It was such a cute ROM-COM that will not disappoint. The character developments throughout the book were great and it being LGBTQ+ friendly, it was a perfect choice for the month of June for Pride Month. It really is more than a modern romance. Casey McQuiston really did a great job on touching on coming out, sexuality and dealing with influence that can come with that. If you haven't read this, rush to buy this and read it immediately. You will not be disappointed.

Until next time...….☮

Next Read:
Jar of Hearts by Jennifer Hillier

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